Rehabilitation Center
We all know that addiction is a disease and not only a deep rooted habit. Substances like alcohol create a strong impact on the brain of an addict and modify the whole chemistry of the brain. It is not enough to keep the client under the lock and key for 90 measured days saying “Now your course is completed and you are alcohol-free.” Some clients can be influenced in one month while others do not even start responding after 90 days. This all depends upon the person’s beliefs, attitudes and the emotive behavior. Co-operation of the members of the family members also plays an important role. Treatment has to be so designed to suit the individual needs. We, at Manashakti tell the caretakers before the admission that the duration of the treatment is one to three months. A person may be able to wipe out the undesired imprints on his brain in a single month or in another case the progress not is even 25%. Hence, the flexibility of duration. Our specialized psychiatrists and counselors decide the appropriate time for discharge.